Vintage Engine AMCO 3.5cc PB Diesel USED



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€ 60.00

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USED Vintage AMCO 3.5cc PB Diesel V-A-E-AMCOPB355-U

This trend-setting British Engine engine caused quite a stir upon its initial appearance in May 1949, setting new standards for both power-to-weight ratio and absolute performance in its class. It was manufactured by the Anchor Motor Co. of Chester in Cheshire, and was the first model engine to be designed from the ground up by Ted Martin. It was offered in both diesel and glow-plug configurations.

After the Anchor Motor Co. sold the AMCO model engine range in mid 1952, the manufacture of later variants of this engine was continued by the successor company, the Aeronautical Electronic & Engineering Co of Alperton, Middlesex until early 1955, when the AMCO range finally disappeared from the market. The 3.5 PB thus enjoyed a relatively long production period.


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Vintage Engine AMCO 3.5cc PB Diesel USED

Vintage Engine AMCO 3.5cc PB Diesel USED

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